THE ZAND GROUP and its Banking Partners have developed a Revolutionary Financial Strategy to Fund New and Expanding Markets for New Products and Services! Investors enjoy the POWER of Revenue Yields linked to REAL TIME Performance… IMAGINE… Receiving Yields based upon Gross Revenues of Consumer Demand…and in REAL TIME!

The NEW financial instrument, known as the REVPAC – Revenue Participation Capital – BONDS is a revenue driven financial product that streams a portion of the gross revenues from the marketplace to BOND holders – directly to their Digital Smart Cards – IN REAL-TIME!

REVPAC is like no other financial instrument.

The innovative key feature of the new Financial Instrument is the potent combination of “fractionalizing” future gross receipts – coupled with an Investment Guaranty! Combining investment risk-insurance with multiple Return-on-Investment potential.

Especially significant, is that the REVPAC Revenue Entitlement funding is a dramatic departure from equity and debt financing – particularly in view of the current drastic downturn of investment capital available to fund emerging commercial endeavors.

REVPAC BOND funding does not dilute the equity or encumber recourse debt for the Innovation Development Company – The new financial instrument operates solely on the basis of “indenturing” future potential revenues of market performance.

THE ZAND GROUP and its Banking Partners are hard at work to provide solutions to a number of high-priority deficiencies in vetting, packaging and monitoring investment opportunities within target business sectors, to be able to offer readily accessible capital for production-development entities and safe/effective investment opportunities for investors.

REVPAC is destined to become the financial instrument of choice for future generations of investors of PROGRAMMING CONTENT … and it is available TODAY.


Everything You Want to Know about REVPAC BONDS…